Çerez Örnek

Medicinal & Aromatic Plants

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

General Description


"Medicinal and Aromatic Plants " Program has started educational activities in 2012-2013 academic year.

Qualification Awarded

The graduates of this program are given "short cycle degree". These graduates works as tecnician.

Length Of Programme

2 Year, 4 Semesters

Total Credits

120 ECTS

Level Of Qualification According To The National Qualification Framework And The European Qualifications Framework


Field(S) Of Study (ISCED-F)


Level Of Qualification

Short Cycle

Specific Admission Requirements

It is necessary that the candidates must have degree of high schools and their equivalents and must take required mark from YGS exam.

Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal And Informal)

Exemption exam for "Foreign Langugage" and "Computer Course" are arranged at the begining of every academic year. Successful students exempt from these courses.

Qualification Requirements And Regulations

The students must get 2 out of 4 grade point average and must complete their professional training.

Profile Of The Programme

The aim of this program is to graduate quality technical personnel who have sufficient knowledge and practice about production of annual and perennial medicinal and aromatic plants which have economic values in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry with quality control, storage, marketing operations of these products.

Educational Objectives Of The Programme

Qualified technical staff who have sufficient knowledge and practice about the production of annual/perennial medicinal and aromatic herbs with economic value in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry and the quality control, preservation and preparation of these products, who can meet the needs of the public and private sector R&D support personnel to raise.

Occupational Profiles Of Graduates With Examples

Working fields of the graduates: 1.Public institutions and organizations 2.The agricultural cooperatives 3. Private firms 4.Own business

Access To Further Studies

The graduates may promote to mastership. Also, 1. The graduates may enroll in distance education. 2. The graduates may enroll in Agricultural Faculty and Science Faculty by taking vertical transfer exam.

Examination Regulations, Assessment And Grading

Odemis Vocational School applies Ege University examination regulation.

Graduation Requirements

The students must get 2 out of 4 grade point average and must complete their professional training.

Mode Of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning)


Address, Programme Director Or Equivalent

Ayşe Betül AVCI, Coordinator of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Program, Ege Univ. Odemis Vocational School , 35750, Odemis- IZMIR Phone:0 232 05453272-130 Fax: 0 232 5444356 e-mail: ayse.betul.avci@ege.edu.tr


Two faculty members in the program is working. In addition, there are enough field infrastructure for cultivation of annual and perennial medicinal and plants; besides, there is crop production labroratory for quality analyses.

Ege Üniversitesi