Organic Agriculture Programme
General Description
Program has started educational activities in 2008-2009 academic year.
Qualification Awarded
The students who have completed the theoretical and practical courses is given to associate degree.
Length Of Programme
2 Year, 4 Semesters
Total Credits
120 ECTS
Level Of Qualification According To The National Qualification Framework And The European Qualifications Framework
Field(S) Of Study (ISCED-F)
Level Of Qualification
Associate degree
Specific Admission Requirements
Those who receive 150 points or more in the TYT score from the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) conducted by the Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) are placed in the Organic Agriculture Program according to the order of preference.
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal And Informal)
Exemption exam for "Foreign Langugage" and "Computer Course" are arranged at the begining of every academic year. Successful students exempt from these courses.
Qualification Requirements And Regulations
The students must get 2 out of 4 grade point average and must complete their professional training.
Profile Of The Programme
The aim of this program is to graduate quality technical personnel who have sufficient knowledge and practice about organic crop and animal production, quality control, storage, preparation for market.
Educational Objectives Of The Programme
The aim of Ege University Ödemiş Vocational School Organic Agriculture Program is to serve agriculture by using its basic knowledge and skills, following technological and scientific developments, and with sufficient knowledge and skills in the field of organic herbal and animal production and the quality control, preservation and preparation of these products to the market. to train graduates who are equipped and have professional and ethical responsibility.
Occupational Profiles Of Graduates With Examples
Public institutions and organizations: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Provincial and District Directorates, Research Institutes and Municipalities. Private Sector Operations: Organic agriculture (crop and animal) production and marketing enterprises and sustainable agriculture (organic farming and good agricultural practice), control and certification organizations. Own business : Organic (Plant and animal) production and marketing enterprises.
Access To Further Studies
At the end of two years of higher education, with the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) conducted by the Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) He can transfer to Faculty of Agriculture. Vertical transfers receive the title of "Agricultural Engineer" after graduation. Programs that can be transferred vertically to Agricultural faculties: Horticulture, Plant Protection, Crop Production and Technologies, Biosystem Engineering, Organic Agriculture Management, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Machinery and Technologies engineering, Agricultural Structures and Irrigation, Field Crops, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Animal Science.
Examination Regulations, Assessment And Grading
Exams are administered according to the “Ege University Guidelines for Assessment and Evaluation ’. For each course taken on a semester basis, there will be a “midterm exam” within the period and a “final exam” at the end of the semester. In accordance with the content of the course written, oral, and practical and laboratory exams are done. If you fail the course, you have the right to “make-up exam”, there is no "Summer School".
Graduation Requirements
The students must get 2 out of 4 grade point average and must complete their professional training.
Mode Of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning)
Address, Programme Director Or Equivalent
Prof. Dr. Safak Ceylan ; Organic Agriculture Program Coordinator E.U. Odemis Vocational High School, 35750, Odemis-IZMIR Tel: 0 232 5453272-116 Fax: 0 232 5444356 e-mail:
Two faculty members in the program is working. In addition, There are field of organic crop production and animal production for students application.